As an ESL learner, there are several ways to help individuals lose your accent, but these are just a few.
Do you feel you’ve been passed over for an opportunity because of your accent?
People pursue accent reduction for some reasons. But the sense that they’re being discriminated against is one of the biggest.
Many people have found that their native accents cause others not to take them seriously in the workplace.
And if this is the case for you, it’s time to figure out how to lose your accent. This will help you gain more control over how you’re perceived in the workplace… and beyond.
Wondering How to Lose Your Accent?
Even if your accent isn’t affecting your status in life, it never hurts to have more mastery over the way you sound.
Here’s how:
1. Mimic TV, YouTube and Podcasts
The first step to gaining an accent you want it to simply spend time listening to and imitating native speakers of the language.
Get a hold of some audiobooks, record TV shows and watch YouTube videos in the language you want to learn. Listen to a few sentences, then pause it and repeat what was said. After doing this multiple times, you’ll start getting a feel for the accent.
You could also do this with a podcast. The benefit here is that you can slow down the rate to half speed so you can start to get the rhythm of the language.
This is particularly valuable when learning English since words are often connected together making two words sound like one. Practicing this way will make your pronunciation sound less robotic.
2. Record Yourself
Find a passage of text for which there is also a recording in the language you’re trying to learn.
Set up your phone or other devices to record. First, record the spoken passage. Then record yourself reading that same passage.
When you’re done, you can play it back to yourself to listen to where your reading differs from the recorded passage. This will help you see where you still struggle with your accent.
3. Get Involved with a Community of Native Speakers
This could be a book club, a church group, a sports team, or whatever suits your interests.
It might feel difficult at first. But once you find a group that makes you comfortable, let them know that you’re working on losing your accent.
By interacting directly with native speakers, you can practice their accent while they gently correct you when you make a mistake.
4. Work with a Tutor
Working one-on-one with a tutor allows the tutor to focus on your specific accent and formulate a plan specific to you.
A private tutor could be cost-prohibitive though. So you can also explore accent reduction courses on the internet. This is a far more affordable option than a private tutor.
5. Get a Pronunciation Dictionary
If you’re stumbling on certain words, a pronunciation dictionary break the word down for you to help you understand how to say it.
You can also use Dictionary.com. This free site will even pronounce the word for you.
Practice Makes Perfect
A steady and consistent practice figures in heavily for how to lose your accent.
Plan to practice every day for at least 15 minutes – ideally 30-60 minutes. Yeah, it’s a big commitment, but it will be worth it.
If you’re ready to start losing that accent today, sign up for our free 7-day trial!