This past week I found myself completely overwhelmed.

Overwhelmed with the wonderful feeling of connection.

My interactions with our students here at Pronunciation Pro have been so connecting and so filling.

Hearing your stories, learning about your lives and your struggles, your goals and your dreams helps me understand you better.

The more I listen and seek to understand the more I am filled with love and compassion and a deeper desire to help.

Through the thousands of conversations I’ve had with English learners from around the world, I’ve learned these important truths:

  • We all have our successes and struggles
  • We all experience all of the human emotions
  • We all have hopes and dreams for our lives
  • We all desire to feel heard
  • We all deserve to have a voice in this world

As you practice your English communication skills I encourage you to practice listening with a desire to understand.

Don’t just listen to understand the words they are saying (although that is step 1) but also listen to understand them as a person.

As you do I promise you a deeper level of connection.

And isn’t that really what we are looking for as we communicate… Deeper Connection.


Because it feels amazing.