If you change your accent, you might have more opportunities to connect on a professional and personal level.

If you change your accent, you might have more opportunities to connect on a professional and personal level.

Around 360 million native English speakers are scattered all over the globe. From Australia to England to the United States, the sun is always shining somewhere that English is spoken. But what can you do to sound more like the people you are surrounded by? Can you change your accent to sound smarter?

Add to that another 470 million people that speak English as a second language. As you can imagine, there are a lot of different accents out there.

But how much do accents really matter? Can you change your accent? Can you make yourself sound smarter by adopting a more “educated” accent?

Let’s find out.

Do Accents Matter?

First of all, it’s important to keep in mind that accents are relative. What do we mean?

If you speak with a general American accent and are speaking to a general American audience, you don’t sound different to them. If you’re speaking to a British one, however, to them you do have an accent.

So, can an accent make you sound smarter? Well, that’s somewhat relative too. It depends on your audience and how they perceive your accent.

What if your accent is not regional but rather a result of learning English as a second language? In that case, the most important thing is that you speak clearly enough to be understood. In general, if your accent makes it difficult for people to understand you they may perceive you as less smart.

Can You Change Your Accent?

Do you want to work on changing your accent? Can you change your accent? Is it possible? Absolutely!

Using a proven method, you can change the way you speak English. You’ll have to practice and train your ear and your mouth muscles, but it can be done.

People will be less likely to misunderstand you and you’ll feel more confident speaking with native speakers. You also won’t get as hung up on how you’re speaking and can concentrate more effectively on what you’re saying.

Should You Change Your Accent?

Now that you know that you can change your accent, the next question is whether or not you should. The answer to this depends on the way you speak and how you feel about it.

Do people frequently misunderstand you? Do you feel embarrassed about how you speak? Does it keep you from speaking up or talking to people? Does it make you feel inferior in work or social situations?

If you said yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider working on your accent. You don’t have to get rid of it altogether, foreign accents can be interesting after all. But you do want to be easily understood and not feel inferior.

How to Get Started

The magic of the Internet makes it easy for you to work on English pronunciation from the comfort of your own home.

With our program, you get to work with American trainers that will help you refine your pronunciation. With personalized attention and an affordable membership, it’s never been easier to improve the way you speak.

Can you change your accent to sound smarter? Well, the smarter part is up to you, but it’s definitely a plus if people don’t have to ask you to repeat yourself! Contact us today to get started on your free 7-day trial.