Did you know…In American English, there are 3 different ways to pronounce the past tense -ed endings?

The voiceless /t/

The voiced /d/

And /id/

How do you know which one to use?

Well, you have to look at the root word.

If the root word ends in a voiceless sound, you’ll use the voiceless /t/.

For example: washed, worked, kissed, and hoped.

If the root word ends in a voiced sound, you’ll use a voiced /d/.

For example: called, lived, poured, and played.

If the root word ends in a T or D then it’ll be pronounced as /id/.

For example: started and landed.

A common problem, especially for native Spanish speakers, is to use the /id/ ending too often.

For example, washed becomes /woshid/ or /worked becomes /werkid/.

This is incorrect.

Now you try!

Want to know all of the rules for American English pronunciation?

When you know the rules of American English pronunciation and fluency you will feel more confident using them in your daily life.

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