Are you ready for a short but powerful pronunciation lesson?

This is the most common vowel error I hear from non-native English speakers.

Pronouncing the long /ee/ when it should be the short /i/.

Step 1: Practice listening so you can hear the difference.

Step 2: practice saying these sounds.

Step 3: Repetition. Practice the phrase ‘this is it’. Repeat it over and over again to train your mouth on these common English words.Repetition is the key to changing speech habits.

And if you’re not sure if you’re doing it correct and want feedback I’d love for you to come to our next LIVE study group.

Join Pronunciation Pro today with a free 7-day trial (click the button below) and attend one of our 3 weekly study groups led by American trainers.

We also have private 1:1 coaching available. Sign up for the free trial below for more info.

Let me know if you have any questions.

I’m here to help!