A couple of weeks ago I was speaking with a group of our Pro Students about how to feel more confident while speaking English.

One of the students (Shankar) brought up a term called ‘The Practice Gap’ and I instantly fell in love with the concept.

The Practice Gap is the space between where you are now and where you want to be.

The only thing keeping you from where you want to be is… PRACTICE.

This is such a simple but powerful way to view a skill such as speaking English.

It helps to take the unnecessary emotion out of the process of learning to speak English like a native speaker.

The gap between you and a native speaker is not because they are smarter, more talented, more professional or are better in any way.

It’s simply because they’ve had more practice than you at speaking English. That’s it.


And if that’s all that’s creating the gap between you and a native speaker then guess what needs to happen for you to reach that end?


So the next time you are in a room of native speakers and are hesitant to speak up because of the way you speak, I encourage you to think…

“I am just as smart, capable, and professional as these people. The only difference is the practice gap.”

And then speak up as much as possible so you can get all of the practice necessary to bridge that gap.

And when you pair the teaching and training you get from the Pronunciation Pro Online Training Program with your additional practice — that’s how you bridge that gap even faster!